Medicational Plants

My Independent Discovery is about Medicational Plants. I have been working on it for about 2 months by my own and get some help from one of my teacher (Karen). In this project, I do research about the benefit of many plants species for our health.  Right now I have 33 species in my document such as herbs, vegetable, and fruit. After this research am going to turn some of the information into the book and share it with the community people that near my school campus. I also share my research to Cook Book Exploration. They are going to study how it benefits to the health, and they are going to think that is it the good plants that they should include in their Cookbook or not. I am very proud of myself that I can share my study to the other friends, especially I know that the work that I have been working for 2 months is useful for the other people.

Minister Day at Liger

On 12th January 2016 Liger school have a big sharation of sharing the school curriculum to around 50 people from the Minister of Education, Youth, and Sport.  We rotated them around the building to see our presentation. I was presenting in Khmer and English Literacy class which is on Khmer section.  Everyone in the group was presented in Khmer. My friends and I were very nervous because this is the first time that we presented to His and Her excellency and we needed to make sure that when they left our class they got what Liger goals and curriculum on Literacy. After we presented some of them asked us questions and some gave feedback. Every time they asked or gave feedback my heart jump very fast but I still smile. I think this is one of the good experiences for me to feel like the other people when they get a chance to present to the Minister.