First Aid Quiz

First Aid Quiz

Circulatory and Respiratory System

1 = A friend is are choking and making gasping sounds. What should you do?
A = encourage her to continue to cough
2 = The friend then stops coughing and is distresses and cannot make any sound. She probably has an object in her….
A = trachea
3 = To help your friend remove the object that is blocking her breathing you should
A = slap her 5 times on her back, then apply 5 upward chest thrusts
4 = Your neighbor was hit by a tuk-tuk in front of your house, He is bleeding from his face. You should……
A = move him to safety before doing anything and make sure are safe
5 = It is important that your neighbor stop bleeding because…
A = He is losing blood, his circulatory system is closed and need to stay closed, he is losing red blood cells
6 = Red blood cell are important because…
A = They carry oxygen
7 = When you have hiccups you are having spasms, which are involuntary muscle contractions of the diaphragm. When you are normally breathing you….
A = exhale when the diaphragm relaxes
8 = When you inhale air travel through your…
A = nose, trachea, pharynx, larynx
9 = Walking home you see a man lying on the ground. You ask him if he all right but you get no response. You should first….
A = check to see if he breathing
10 = You check and your neighbor does not have a pulse, you know…….
A = Oxygen is not getting to the cells, his heart is not pumping, you need to do compressions over the sternum
11 = The ambulance arrives and your neighbor’s heart has begun to beat again. You are a hero. You overhear the medical personnel say his blood pressure is 80/40. You know that this is …
A = Hypotension, both a low systolic and diastolic reading, is low blood pressure
12 = You need a transfusion of blood. It is important that you get the correct….
A = blood type and RH factor

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